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God Made Me This Way: Study Questions
Q1 – Who is telling the truth, ex-gays and ex-lesbians or
the prophets of immutable fixed sexual orientations?
Q2 – What is science saying about the psychology of
homosexuality and the chances of sexual reorientation success?
Q3 – Why are the homosexual community, pro-gay and
homosexual-based churches, so opposed to the idea that homosexuals can change?
Q4 – What are some reasons why same-sex attracted people
would wish to change their so-called “orientation”?
Q5 – What evidence is there for the theory that
homosexuality is the result of a person’s genetic make-up?
Q6 – What do professional therapists say are barriers to
effective change in same-sex attractions?
Q7 – For those not graced with a miraculous “instantaneous”
deliverance (perhaps most struggling homosexuals), what does the usual
reorientation process entail? How long
might the process take?