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UCC: Abject Apostasy: Take a Stand – Actions


1 – Invest time and research effort to fully understand the belief system of the United Church and its role in undermining the orthodox influence of Canadian Christendom.

2 – In small groups or at church-level develop a statement or position paper on the United Church.  Detail the salient characteristics of the denomination and establish policy on association with its affiliated churches and agencies.  Publish this document so that your membership may know.  Forward a copy to the United Church for their edification.

3 – When encountering friends or individuals who remain in the United Church, whether orthodox or liberal, encourage them to leave by witnessing to the denomination’s unwavering apostasy.  Invite them to attend your church on a trial basis if necessary, to expose them to the Light and the Law.

4 – Petition your church or denomination to end all ecumenical association with the United Church as a witness against reimaging Jesus Christ and rewriting His gospel.

[UCC Ecumenical and Coalition Partners (in Canada) include: Canadian Centre for Ecumenism; Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives; Canadian Churches' Forum for Global Ministries; Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC); Canadian Council for Refugees; Canadian Council of Churches; Canadian Health Coalition; Canadian Inter-Church Stewardship Committee; Christian Task Force on Central America; Church Council on Justice and Corrections; Common Frontiers (hemispheric free trade issues); Ecumenical Health Care Network; KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives; Project Ploughshares; Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada; World Conference on Religion and Peace (Canada); Gender Justice and Global Partnership (commitment to living out the goals of the Ecumenical Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women in Church and Society); Atlantic Ecumenical Council; Prairie Centre for Ecumenism; and Canadian Council of Churches (CCC).]

5 This website and Pivot of Civilization or Rivet of Life? are offered to equip and encourage Christians to be better disciples of Jesus Christ.  Beyond being informative, these references are intended to be incitements to action.  StandForGod.Org is a general call to take up a more ardent, scripturally accurate, influence-driven stand for God.  The Organization is a means by which like-minded Christians can find each other and fellowship.  If your mind is in accord and your heart is at peace with StandForGod.Org, prayerfully consider membership and posting a www.StandForGod.Org bumper sticker on your car or elsewhere.