1 – Invest time and research to clarify your understanding of the Christian worldview across a comprehensive list of topical
2 – In a small group or at church-level articulate the
Christian worldview across a comprehensive list of issues and publish this
information as a statement of belief for all to see (members and
3 – Many churches today profess one thing and in their
day-to-day operations demonstrate a different worldview. If you are involved in inter-denominational
activities, take the time and effort to understand the differences in the
professed beliefs (and unprofessed dogma) of the other church. If the association erodes authentic witness,
cut it off.
4 – Invest the time and research to understand the most prevalent
anti-Christian worldview – secular humanism.
5 – This website and Pivot of Civilization or Rivet of
Life? are offered to
equip and encourage Christians to be better disciples of Jesus Christ. Beyond being informative, these references are intended to be incitements to action. StandForGod.Org
is a general call to
take up a more ardent, scripturally accurate, influence-driven stand for God. The Organization is a means by which like-minded Christians can find each other and fellowship. If your mind is in accord and your heart is at peace with StandForGod.Org, prayerfully consider membership and posting a www.StandForGod.Org bumper sticker on your car or elsewhere.