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for Sexual Experimentation: Take a Stand – Actions
– Adoption of the homosexist worldview by the Canadian Courts and Parliament
sends the message to Canadian youth that the state is indifferent to what is
done sexually between consenting people of legal age. Moreover, the indoctrination of our youth to accept the
homosexist worldview must, of necessity, condone sexual experimentation in
order to “solidify” one’s position on the spectrum of sexual orientation. Believers must resist at every opportunity
the homosexist worldview. Parents must
take the time to explain the consequences of sexual experimentation to their
- Individually, in small groups, at church-level, or at denominational level,
develop a position paper on sexual experimentation. Detail what the scriptural guidance is and what the consequences
can be from disobeying God’s direction in this manner. Make this statement/position paper available
for adults and teenage church members to read.
Take steps to make sexual experimentation a discussion topic within the
youth ministry.
- Individually, in small groups, at church-level, or at denominational level,
develop a position paper on lust.
Detail what scripture states about lust and what influences our thinking
and fantasies, and how to reduce lustful temptation. Make this statement/position paper available for adults and
teenage church members to read. Take
steps to make “lust” a discussion topic within the youth and adult
– Research what the local school board is teaching on sexual experimentation.
Try to have the school curriculum incorporate the perspective of the Christian
worldview in its sex education.
5 – This website and Pivot of Civilization or Rivet of
Life? are offered to
equip and encourage Christians to be better disciples of Jesus Christ. Beyond being informative, these references are intended to be incitements to action. StandForGod.Org
is a general call to
take up a more ardent, scripturally accurate, influence-driven stand for God. The
Organization is a means by which like-minded Christians can find each
other and fellowship. If your mind is in accord and your heart is at
peace with StandForGod.Org, prayerfully consider membership and posting a www.StandForGod.Org bumper sticker on your car or elsewhere.