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Competing Worldviews: Study Questions
Q1 - What is a worldview? Is there more than one Christian worldview? Why is it important to profess a comprehensive worldview? Q2 - How did the First Century Church operate without a creed? Why did the Early Church create a creed? How have these statements of faith changed over time? Q3 - How can you identify an authentic Christian? Is the Apostles Creed an effective statement defining Christian authenticity today? Q4 - Some 77% of Canadians (in 2001) said Christianity is their religion and in 2007, 71% of Canadians said they are not highly religious. Not everyone who says “Lord Lord” will enter the Kingdom (Matthew 7:21-22). What rough percentage of Canadians who claim Christianity as their religion, do you think are saved? Q5 - Is it possible to be part of Christ’s Church and yet profess any of the following: (1) deny the Trinity; (2) deny the Bible is the Word of God and the final authority on matters of faith; (3) deny the divinity of Jesus Christ; (4) deny that Jesus Christ is the only way of redemption; (5) deny original sin; (6) deny judgment; (7) believe that all will be saved; (8) condone premarital and extra-marital sex; (9) condone homosexual sex; (10) declare no normative theology; (11) condone abortion as a backup procedure for failed contraception; (12) ordain unrepentant homosexuals; or (13) perform same-sex marriages? Q6 - Does the StandForGod.Org statement of the Christian Worldview appropriately summarize the Gospel of Jesus Christ? If you think it does not, explain why. How do you think the statement could be improved? The Worldview of the State: Q7 - What is the Constitutional significance of the Preamble statement: “Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God”? Q8 - What evidence is there over the past fifty years that the state (Parliament and the Supreme Court) is upholding principles that recognize the supremacy of God? Q9 - What evidence is there over the past fifty years that the state (Parliament and the Supreme Court) is following a secular humanist worldview in day-to-day governance? Q10 - How has the credibility of the Preamble statement: “Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God”? been affected by same-sex marriage legislation? Q11 - How is God to respond to our Anthem request that He “keep our Land glorious and free,” when Canada professes to be a homosexist secular humanist state? Q12 - Given the popular argument for separation of church and state, should it matter to Christians that the worldview held by our Supreme Court (the ultimate state authority for determining right and wrong) is a secular humanist worldview? If yes, what can Christians do about the issue? Q13 - Do you think the 2007 decision to ban non-emergency abortion within the State of South Dakota reverenced or grieved the Holy Spirit? Q14 - Do you think the State of South Dakota is at risk of becoming an intolerant theocracy because Christians and like-minded voters in that state fervently work the democratic process to “recognize the supremacy of God,” and to follow the Christian worldview?