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GDOP: Apostasy Ignored – Study Questions


Q1 – Does it matter if the Church of Scientology is welcomed in fellowship at a Christian prayer event?  If yes, how so?  If no, how so?

Q2 - Does it matter if the United Church of Canada (or a UCC congregation) is welcomed in fellowship at a Christian prayer event?  If yes, how so?  If no, how so?

Q3 – How many versions are there of the spiritual truth?  What does scripture say about fellowship with those who profess a different spiritual truth?

Q4 – A United Church pastor says: Have you not heard, have you not seen?  Christendom is dead.  We live in a post-Christian and post-modern culture.  Your attempts to impose your specific Christian values on others are neither welcome nor Christian, in my view.”  Is what he says true?

Q5 – When Global Day of Prayer organizers call for repentance, who are they thinking about, what sins are they thinking about?

Q6 – When Canadian Global Day of Prayer Organizers claim much more will happen for the Kingdom when hundreds of millions of Christians around the world pray at the same time, what evidence do have to support this assertion?

Q7 – Which is likely more important in Christ’s eyes for a successful prayer rallie: large numbers of self-professed believers holding beliefs across the full spectrum from orthodox to heretical; or a small number of unified believers adhering to the one authentic faith?

Q8 - Is ecumenicalism at the cost of spiritual truth supported in scripture?

Q9 – What should Christians conclude from the fact that two days after the 2005 GDOP event the Martin Liberals survived by one vote to go on and enact same-sex marriage?

Q10 – Is it double-minded to drop the word “United” from Dominion-Chalmers United Church when referring to the site of the Ottawa GDOP?

Q11 – Considering your response to Q2, should Evangelicals or Catholics participate in a prayer rally at a United Church?