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Compromised (Lukewarm) Liberal Theology


By Carman Bradley

We believe that the Word contained in these books has proceeded from God, and receives its authority from Him alone, and not from men.  And inasmuch as it is the rule of all truth, containing all that is necessary for the service of God and our salvation, it is not lawful for men, nor even angels, to add to it, to take away from it or to change it.  Whence it follows that no authority whether of antiquity, or custom, or numbers, or human wisdom, or judgments, or proclamations, or edicts, or decrees, or councils, or visions, or miracles, should be opposed to these Holy Scriptures, but on the contrary, all things should be examined regulated and reformed according to them.  

- Reformed Confession of 1559


Liberalism refers to a broad array of related ideas and theories that consider individual liberty  to be the most important goal.  Liberalism has its roots in the Western Era of Enlightenment.   The belief that traditions do not carry any inherent value and social practices ought to be continuously adjusted for the greater benefit of humanity, is a common component of liberal ideology. Liberalism is also strongly associated with the belief that human society should be organized in accordance with certain unchangeable and inviolable “individual” rights.  Different schools of liberalism are based on different conceptions of human rights, but there are some rights that all liberals support to some extent, including rights to life, liberty, and property.  Political liberalism is the belief that individuals are the basis of law and society, and that society and its institutions exist to further the ends of individuals, without showing favor to those of higher social rank or majority status.  Cultural liberalism focuses on the rights of individuals pertaining to conscience and lifestyle, including such issues as sexual freedom, religious freedom, cognitive freedom, and protection from government intrusion into private life.  Political and cultural liberalisms, in the era of homosexism, have failed to fully acknowledge a collision of “rights” between trumpeting individual freedoms and protecting collective religious freedoms.  Sameness and differentiation, equality and discrimination are trade-off dynamics; it is impossible to defend the rights of alternative lifestyles while still championing the virtues of traditional ones.  Liberal ideology unwittingly denies the obvious implications that promotion of common law habitation undermines marriage; promotion of same-sex parenting undermines motherhood and fatherhood; indifference to promiscuity undermines fidelity; indifference to abortion undermines the value of human life.


Religious liberalism, sometimes called “modernism” and “neo-Protestantism,” was a post-Enlightenment development in an attempt to harmonize Christian theology with popular tenets of the Enlightenment Era (see the secular humanist worldview in the table below).  Religious liberalism contains implicitly or explicitly, in whole or in part, a denial of  historic doctrines of Biblical revelation.  Religious liberalsim says “nuts” to the line of thinking captured in the Reformed Confession of 1559 (above), and it does this in two ways: (1) religious liberalism places higher authority on current scientic postulates than on scripture; and (2) liberal methodology places elevated importance on free religious experience as a basis for interpretation of Christianity. Religious liberalism is a move in one or many ways away from the orthodox Christian worldview toward the secular humanist worldview.  In this respect religious liberalism is compromised theology, characteristically lukewarm doctrine (see Revelation 3:16).   The table below reveals the gaps in thinking between tenets of the two (polar opposite) worldviews, which religious liberals attempt to span through innovative or novel theology:


Secular Humanist Worldview

If God is dead, then everything is justifiable. - Dostoevsky A state that values nothing tolerates everything.

Indifference is not a virtue.




Christian Worldview

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.

Rights and freedoms founded upon principles developed as needed (living tree) that recognize the intellectual wisdom of a secular humanist Charter constituting a secular humanist state.



Rights and freedoms founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the wisdom of a theistic Charter constituting a God fearing state.

Life started by accident and evolved by chance. 

Indifference to the adaptation of gender, anatomy and sexuality.  There is no differentiating “rightful” purpose behind male and female.

Death is the end. 



Life created by God. 

God designed (intended) humans to be male or female, anatomically matched to their opposite sex for heterosexual relationship and procreation.

Death is the beginning. 

Indifference to varieties of union - gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, polygamist.  Indifference to the duration and fidelity of a union.  Marriage is fundamentally not about procreation.


Lifelong monogamy.  The union of one man and one woman for the implicit purpose of procreation. 

Indifference to divorce.


Marriage should be a lifelong union.  God hates divorce. 

Indifference to family variation and experimentation.  Asserts that children do not need both a mother and a father, two parents of the same gender are just fine. 


Building block of society.  Biblical model - parenting of children by biological mother and father.

Indifference to method of creation - genetic engineering and anonymous sperm/egg donation.  Single women, lesbian or gay couples have an equal right to reproductive technologies.  Indifference to single motherhood or no motherhood - gay parenting.



Product of heterosexual union.

Genetic biology (connection) brings parenting responsibilities.  Child is entitled to know his/her biological heritage.

State sponsored daycare with short maternity leave is societal model.

Childhood Development

Nuclear family with extended maternity leave is the societal model.

Indifference to “free sex.” Focus on condom code with abortion as backup.

Teen Pregnancy

Focus on abstinence. Sexual activity should only occur inside marriage.  Abortion must be a life saving requirement.

Indifference to the quantity of babies aborted.


Life is a gift from God.  Every embryo has value and purpose in God’s eyes (Psalm 139:13-16). 

Indifference to the ecology of AIDS - focus on state responsibility to find a technological fix to this sexually transmitted disease.

STDs and AIDS Deaths

Focus on ecological consequence of inappropriate sexual behavior and finding cures.  Sexual activity should only occur inside heterosexual marriage.


Religious liberalism is most discernible in the United Church of Canada and has led to some or all of the following heresies: (1) denial of the Trinity; (2) denial of the Bible as the Word of God and the final authority on matters of faith; (3) denial of the divinity of Jesus Christ; (4) denial that Jesus Christ is the only way of redemption; (5) denial of original sin; (6) denial of judgment; (7) belief that all will be saved; (8) denial of the Law and replacement with liberal morality; (9) condoning premarital, extra-marital and homosexual sex; (10) no normative theology; (11) no limits set to the free representation and theological speculation; (12) condoning abortion; (13) ordination of homosexuals; and (14) same-sex marriage.  

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