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Boundary for Man-Boy Sex?: Take a Stand – Actions


1 – Invest time and research into studying the relationship between pedophilia and homosexuality, particularly in the context of historical homosexist cultures.

2 – In a small study group or at church-level develop a position paper on the psychology of pedophilia and compare its root causes with the pre-homosexual liberation era, APA assessment of homosexuality.  Make this statement/position paper available for membership and visitors to read.  Devise a program to educate the young on how to avoid becoming a victim of pedophilia. 

3 – If in a large community, get together with other churches and form an outreach ministry to homosexuals and pedophiles (homosexual and heterosexual).  If a pedophile is recognized (registered) in your neighborhood, try to reach the man for Christ.

4 – Do not be duped by the propaganda that there is somehow a clear boundary keeping the “P” out GBLTQ.  Use the legacy of man-boy abuse in homosexist cultures as a motivation to resist homosexism.

5 This website and Pivot of Civilization or Rivet of Life? are offered to equip and encourage Christians to be better disciples of Jesus Christ.  Beyond being informative, these references are intended to be incitements to action.  StandForGod.Org is a general call to take up a more ardent, scripturally accurate, influence-driven stand for God.  The Organization is a means by which like-minded Christians can find each other and fellowship.  If your mind is in accord and your heart is at peace with StandForGod.Org, prayerfully consider membership and posting a www.StandForGod.Org bumper sticker on your car or elsewhere.